South Coastal Information Center (SCIC)
The SCIC is the primary repository for archaeological site records and reports for
San Diego, Imperial, and Riverside Counties in Southern California. We currently house
approximately 90,000 cultural resource records documenting historical and archaeological
sites and approximately 35,000 investigation reports.
Utilizing this information, record searches conducted to meet the requirements of
state and federal law play a critical role in the long-term protection of cultural
resources across Southern California. In addition, the SCIC serves as an integral
part of the local and regional communities, maintaining student internship and public
outreach programs, working with Native American tribes, and local city and county
SCIC Staff Contacts
Dr. Seth Mallios, Director
[email protected]
Jaime Lennox, Coordinator
[email protected]
Eddie Perez, GIS Specialist
[email protected]
Jamie Bastide, Archival Specialist
[email protected]
CHRIS Centers
SCIC is one of nine California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) Centers.
Learn more about the other locations.